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Dr Yasmeen Checks Cleanliness, Medial Facilities at Institute of Cardiology Wazirabad

-- The Punjab Health Minister also visits Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi to inspect its OPD especially set up for the dengue patients


WAZIRABAD– Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmeen Rashid visited the Institute of Cardiology Wazirabad on Monday.

The minister checked cleanliness and medical facilities in the hospital. Hospital administration has briefed about health facilities being provided to the patients.

Dr Yasmeen Rashid said on this occasion that we have recruited doctors in all government hospitals on merit on priority basis.

“We are trying to provide maximum relief to the patients in government hospitals. Standard of government hospitals being ensured according to international standards.”

This is the basic responsibility of government to provide best health facilities for public in health field. PTI government has taken record initiatives to provide maximum relief for public in health field.

Health Minister-Wazirabad 1

Rawalpindi Holy Family Hospital’s visit

Dr Yasmin Rashid also visited Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi to inspect its OPD especially set up for the dengue patients.
She inquired after the patients and reviewed facilities being provided there. Prof Dr Umar briefed the health minister regarding facilities being provided to the dengue patients.
Dr Yasmin Rashid said that special OPD has been set up at the Holy Family Hospital to facilitate dengue patients. She said that facilities of registration of dengue patients, their admission and treatment are fully available in the hospital.
A visible difference is being witnessed in anti-dengue campaign after remedial measures have been expedited by the government, she added.
Immediate action is taken on complaints received about dengue through helpline and all field officers have been directed to personally monitor anti-dengue measures, she concluded.–PRESS HANDOUT