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Russia introduces Islamic banking

Experiment to start in Sep in four mostly Muslim-populated regions


LAHORE MIRROR — The approval from the Russian parliament for a new bill marks a significant stride as the nation gears up to implement Islamic banking practices in four predominantly Muslim-inhabited regions.

Set to commence on September 1, 2023, this two-year-long initiative holds the potential to reshape Russia’s financial landscape and potentially usher in a broader embrace of Islamic banking across the country.

Islamic banking, rooted in adherence to Islamic law (Sharia), stands as the crux of this transformation. One of its core tenets is the prohibition of interest, regarded as usurious under Sharia. Instead, this unique banking system relies on profit-sharing models and leasing arrangements to furnish financial services to its patrons.

The four regions poised to participate in this experiment—namely Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Daghestan, and Tatarstan—boast substantial Muslim populations and have exhibited keen interest in cultivating Islamic banking solutions. With their diverse demographics, these areas are embarking on this innovative approach, aiming to not only attract external investments but also invigorate economic growth within their predominantly Muslim communities.

The advent of Islamic banking in Russia signifies not just a financial shift but also a means to cater to the evolving needs of the burgeoning Muslim populace. By aligning with their faith-based financial preferences, this move holds the potential to bridge economic gaps and foster a more inclusive financial environment.

As the September start date approaches, all eyes are on these pioneering regions to observe the unfolding impact of this endeavor and its potential reverberations across the broader Russian economic landscape.