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Punjab Police Chief Alerts Field Police Against Custodial Torture, Death or Illegal Detention


LAHORE– Inspector General of Punjab Police Captain (retired) Arif Nawaz Khan has issued a letter to the CCPO Lahore, all RPOs, CPOs and DPOs containing directions about the custodial torture, death or illegal detention.

In the issued letter, IG Punjab expressed displeasure over the sad incidents of custodial deaths, saying a strict action will be taken against the concerned SP, Circle Officer along with DPO In case of custodial death in any districts.

IG Punjab also gave standing directions to the Internal Accountability Branch for immediate action against the persons involved in custodial death and in case of any custodial torture, death or illegal detention as per zero tolerance policy.

In letter field officers are further directed to perform their duties according to the issued SOPs ensuring that no accused in custody is being treated illegally.— PRESS HANDOUT