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One Robber Killed In Shootout With Kasur Police In Decoy Operation


By Our Web Reporter

KASUR– A suspected robber was killed while his accomplices managed to escape after their face-off with the police in a decoy operation in Phoolnagar area of Kasur on early Monday.

The encounter followed a new crime fighting strategy of Kasur police who is now a days driving trucks, rickshaws and cars on main and link roads of the district to hunt desperate robbers.

District Police Officer Zahid Nawaz Marwat told lahoremirror.com that the decoy operation was going on in the area of city Phoolnagar on late Sunday when a police team engaged some robbers who were busy looting citizens.

As a result an exchange of fire took place between police and criminals that led to bringing one suspect down.

Police officials reached the spot and found the body of a criminal along with with a weapon and a bike.     

Police tried to apprehend the other unknown suspects but they managed to flee from the crime scene, the DPO said.   

Zahid Nawaz Marwat said the identity of the deceased and his associates, their criminal record is being collected for further investigation.   

He said the Pattoki circle DSP and Phoolnagar SHO reached the crime scene of crime, adding further investigation is under way from all angles underway     

It is worth mentioning that the same specified gang of criminals is reportedly involved in a number of road robberies in Pattoki circle.— LAHORE MIRROR