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Municipal Corporation, Local Govt and Property Tax Transparent Only Under SNG: Hashim


LAHORE– Punjab Finance Minister Makhdoom Jawan Bakhat Hashim stressed the need of making the municipal corporation, local government and property tax departments corruption-free and transparent under Sub National Governance (SNG) program-II. 

Chairing the review meeting of the SNG-II program at the camp office, the minister said the Punjab government wants to minimize the human interaction to making these departments transparent and corruption-free and evolving an automated system.

In the first phase, reforms are being introduced in the taxation system in order to control the resources.

He requested the SNG to assist and train the different Punjab government departments officials for PC-I preparation.

The minister stressed the need for inclusion of the policymakers and elected representatives in the steering committee of the SNG in order to improve the governance level in accordance with the international standards.

Earlier, the SNG director Majeed Sadzoi briefs the meeting that SNG-II is a continuation of the SNG-I started by the DFID in Punjab and KP during 2013-2017. Under SNG-I, tax policies, PFC, and special debt and tax management cells were introduced.

Under SNG-II, reforms agenda would be introduced through which local government departments would be empowered and revamped.— PRESS HANDOUT