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Lahore Police Issue Its Report Card Of Six Months, Arrest 24,929 Criminals

DIG Operations Ashfaq Khan says Lahore police will meet the expectations of public through these administrative reforms


LAHORE– Lahore police (Operations wing) has issued its first six-month performance of this year,  arresting as many as 24,929 criminals involved in different crimes during six months from January to June 2019.

According to the latest report shared with media, Lahore police arrested 1,038 members of 432 dacoit  gangs and recovered from them looted valuables amounting to Rs9 crore and 40 lakh.

The looted items and cash was handed over to the actual heirs. Another 1,348 cases were traced during investigation from these 1,038 criminals.

During grand action against illegal weapons, Police arrested 2,710 criminals and 2,703 cases were registered against them in different Police Stations of the city.

Police also recovered 35 Kalashnikov, 180 rifles, 70 guns, 2,229 pistols, 01 carbine, 29 daggers and thousands of bullets from these criminals.

During action against drug peddlers, Lahore Police arrested as many as 3160 criminals and recovered from them more than 40kg heroin, more than 1,336kg charas, 4.2kg ICE, more than 89kg opium and 37,183 bottles of liquor.

Police arrested 2,914 criminals involved in gambling and registering 520 cases and recovering against them more than Rs6.8 million.

During its campaign against brothels, Police arrested 653 criminals and 170 cases were registered against them. Moreover 132 Proclaimed Offenders of A category, 3313 POs of B category where as 2,599 Court Offenders were arrested during these six months.

Lahore Police also arrested 740 criminals for violating One Wheeling Act, 3513 in Kite Flying Act, 263 in Aerial Firing, 721 in bagging Act, 2547 for violating Price Control Act, 17 in Foreigners Act, 26 in Marriage Act and 565 persons were also arrested for violating Loudspeaker Act.

Deputy Inspector General Operations Lahore Ashfaq Khan has pledged that Lahore Police will further increase its crackdowns against criminals to make Lahore more safe and crime free city of this region.

He said that police has introduced effective mechanism, modern technology and reforms to curb criminals in the city.

Institutional structure of different units of Lahore Police is being strengthened along with capacity building of its force to improve the overall performance of the department.

He said that particular attention is being given to improve the performance of Dolphin Squad and Police Response Unit to make it more effective to control street crime and promote community policing with its positive impact has citizens friendly force.

Special teams have been constituted at police stations level for the arrest of Proclaimed Offenders where as performance of Dolphin Squad and Police Response Unit has been revamped, he added.

DIG Operations Lahore Ashfaq Khan further said Lahore police will meet the expectations of public through these administrative reforms and will utilize all its resources to improve the overall condition of Police Stations keeping in view the idea of Clean and Green Police Stations.

Khan said there will be no compromise on the implementation of Code of Conduct in the Operations wing particularly the behavior of Police Officers and Officials with citizens and sub ordinates.

Special operation teams have been constituted as well as crackdown initiated against anti social elements with previous criminal record.

The DIG Operations concluded he is monitoring this campaign against crime and holding regular crime meetings as well at SPs level for the eradication of crime.— PRESS HANDOUT