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Inheritance Mutation: DC Lahore Asks ACs, ROs To Hear Public For 2 Hours

Saleha Saeed also takes notice of less number of dengue surveillance activities

LAHORE– Deputy Commissioner Lahore Saleha Saeed has taken far-reaching step for timely registration of property to ease people as she made it compulsory for Assistant Commissioners, Sub registrars, Revenue Officers and others to sit in their offices from 10am to 12pm to listen the problems of the masses in regard with the cases of inheritance mutation.
The objective is to avoid unnecessary delay in inheritance mutation and to completely elimination of corruption in this regard.
She said that it is the top priority of the District Administration to forthwith complete the mutation process after the submission of the case.
She also warned all lower tiers of revenue and registration branches to refrain from taking bribe and doing illegal and unlawful act in mutation cases and if any complaint of delay and malpractice were reported strict action would be taken against the involved employee.


Saleha takes notice of less number of dengue surveillance activities

Deputy Commissioner Lahore Saleha Saeed has taken strict notice on less number of dengue surveillance activities and delay on dengue patients’ screening reports as the data prepared by PITB and the Lahore Health Authority reflected these shortcomings.
The DC Lahore issued letters to all the heads of relevant departments along with 44 Medical Superintendents of teaching and non teaching hospitals, asking them to enhance their dengue related activities as per the SOPs and to issue suspected patients screening reports without any delay.
PHA, MCL, WASA, Cooperative, Health Authority, PCB, Livestock, LDA and others have been directed to gear up their activities as per SOPs.
The Medical Superintendents of teaching and non teaching hospitals have also been directed for early issuance of suspected patients screening reports.


Rain water and counter measures

The District Administration remained fully alert before, during and after the rain to pump out rain water from the low lying areas and sore points of the provincial capital.
Deputy Commissioner Lahore Saleha Saeed directed all departments including Assistant Commissioners to remain alert in the field and to make sure the functionality of all dewatering pumps and Wasa disposals.
The ACs visited their areas and timely ensured the dewatering of rain water from all roads for the ease of the citizens– PRESS HANDOUT