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Dr Yasmeen Decides to Remove CEOs Who Show Negligence in Executing PMHI

Eight CEOs of Punjab Ordered to Submit Performance Report by Oct 15

LAHORE– Punjab Minister for Health Punjab Dr Yasmeen Rashid has directed to remove CEOs who show delaying tactics in the Prime Minister Health Initiatives.
All CEOs of eight districts have been directed to send their performance report till 15 October.
These instructions were passed by her during an important meeting held at primary and secondary healthcare department to review progress on PM Health Initiatives.
Secretary Primary and Secondary Healthcare Zahid Akhtar Zaman, Special Secretary Mudassar Waheed Malik, Additional Secretary Technical Dr Asim Altaf and other officers participated in the meeting. Secretary Health Zahid Akhtar Zaman briefed Minister Health about the ongoing progress of Prime Minister Health Initiatives.
 Minister Health Dr Yasmeen Rashid has said on this occasion that all CEOs have been directed for early completion of revamping of government hospitals of eight districts under PM Health Initiatives. Strict monitoring of these health initiatives being done.
Millions of people of these eight districts will be having best modern medical facilities. 8 billion rupees are being spent for revamping of these government hospitals of these either districts. This is the top priority of Prime Minister Imran Khan to provide maximum relief to public in medical field.— PRESS RELEASE