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CCPO Binds Iqbal Town Division SDPOs To Review Investigations Into Cases Daily


By Our Web Reporter

LAHORE– Capital City Police Officer Zulfiqar Hameed presided over a meeting of Sub-Divisional Police Officers (SDPOs) of Iqbal Town division police on Friday, directing them to review investigations into cases daily.

“All SDPOs call in investigation officers on daily basis and review pace of investigation and improve ratio of completing challans of cases,” the city police chief further directed to filed officers.

Pinpointing burglaries in the division, Zulfiqar Hameed ordered to constitute a special team to trace the cases.

He further pressed for making the patrolling mechanism more effective to curb street crime and motorcycle theft.

The CCPO also put his weight on improving recovery of looted items, identification parade of arrested accused in due course of time, regular visits of police stations by SDPOs, and regular meetings of SDPOs and SHOs with public and resolution of their problems.

“This is understood that pending of cases is not acceptable to me,” Zulfiqar Hameed made it clear to the field officers.

He further directed to initiate action against violators of Marriage Act and Loudspeaker and Amplifier Act.

Senior Superintendent of Police (Investigation) Zeeshan Asghar and SP Iqbal Town (Operations) retired captain Ajmal were also present.