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Three Development Schemes Worth Rs6.7Bn Get the Nod from PDWP


LAHORE– The Punjab Provincial Development Working Party Wednesday approved three development schemes of various sectors with an estimated cost of Rs6,719.817 million.

These schemes were approved in the 28th meeting of Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) of current fiscal year 2019-20.

Chairman P&D Board Hamed Yaqoob Sheikh presided over the meeting.

Provincial Secretary P&D Imran Sikandar Blaoch, all Members of the Planning & Development Board, Provincial Secretaries of concerned departments, Assistant Chief Coordination Syed Naveed Iqbal, Planning Officer Coordination Muhammad Rashid and other senior representatives of the relevant Provincial Departments also attended the meeting.

The approved development schemes included construction of building of University of Jhang at the cost of Rs 999.428 million, Lahore Water and Waste Water Management Project – (Construction of New Syphon on River Ravi, Intake Structure, Gates and Raw Water Channel) at the cost of Rs. 4,487.680 million and Rehabilitation/Improvement of sewerage system, Jhang Phase-I at the cost of Rs1,232.709 million.— PRESS RELEASE