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Punjab Police Asked To Focus On Timely Redressal Of Citizens Complaints, Improvement In Service Delivery

-- IG Punjab Shoaib Dastagir chairs seven hours long RPOs and DPOs video link conference at the Central Police Office


LAHORE– Inspector General of Police Punjab Shoaib Dastagir has said that intelligence-based operations against proclaimed offenders, court absconders and anti-social elements should be accelerated throughout the province to protect the lives and properties of the citizens, uphold and maintain the rule of law in the province.  

DPOs will personally monitor the crackdown against the anti social elements and especially against the drug dealers. He further said that the police raiding teams going for raids on hideouts of criminals should go with all the preparations and equipments and if any team went without proper preparation in any district of province, concerned DPO will have to be answerable for it.

He further said that special teams of police should be formed to arrest the suspects involved in the manufacturing, buying, selling and usage of metallic, chemical thread, kites and operations should be conducted on daily basis in each district and confine the perpetrators.

He further said that the accused who uploaded the videos on social media regarding weapons display and aerial firing deserves no relaxation. Actions to arrest such suspects should be expedited.  He further said that the proceedings should not be delayed according to the discipline matrix against those circle officers who do not write “Zimni” in the investigation of cases related to heinous crimes.

He further said that comprehensive strategies and information sharing based operations should be carried out to eliminate the networks of drugs dealers involved in drug trafficking, especially in the surrounding areas and vicinity of educational institutions, big drug dealers should be dealt with iron hands on priority basis and weekly reports of operations against drug dealers should be sent to the Central Police Office regularly. He emphasized that all RPOs and DPOs should take timely measures in their surveillance to prevent gender based crimes against incidents related to women and children and complete investigation of such cases under their own supervision. Moreover effective use of geo-fencing, forensic science and latest investigation techniques for investigation of murder, rape, child abuse and other heinous crimes should be ensured. Forensic science and modern investigative tools should be utilized as a special tool to expedite the culprits involved in such crimes. He added that strict actions should be taken against the violators of loud speaker act, Wall Chalking and publication of hate materials and speeches etc. He emphasized that commanding officer to speed up surprise visits and inspections of police stations to improve overall working and performance of police stations and in case of violation of issued SOPs, do not delay the actions against the responsible officers and officials. He added that all officers should remain in contact with subordinates and personnel so that they can deal with professional issues better. He added that the implementation of social media policy issued by the Central Police Office should be strictly ensured.

He added that all DPOs should also take special care to ensure that SHOs do not hesitate to take bails at the police stations of the accused involved in the bailable crimes. He directed the officers while presiding over a seven-hours video link crime meeting at the Central Police Office today. In the conference discussed issues related to citizens’ problems, improvements in service delivery and uniform law enforcement in the province.

During the conference, all the RPOs and DPOs informed IG Punjab about the crime situation and the performance of the police teams in their respective regions and districts.

IG Punjab directed the officers that improving the working conditions of the police station is one of my top priorities, so that all officers should take timely steps and take personal interest in upgrading the workings of their police stations for public facilitation.

He directed to improve the performance with uniform enforcement of law and high-professional standards in both the Operations and Investigations wings of police stations, while personnel should be given special training in public dealing and stress management so that they can perform their better professional duties.

The surveillance and monitoring process should be continued with cameras installed in the rooms of SHOs and lock ups, and responsible for high handedness and torture or death under custody should be prosecute in accordance with the discipline matrix without delay.

He added that all officers should keep the doors of their offices open for meeting with citizens and listening to public complaints whereas exemplary punishments should be given to officers and personnel who behave in a disorderly manner with citizens, and trespass their powers or designations etc.

He further added that staff performance should be monitored regularly to provide better service delivery to the citizens at the Police service centers across the province.

Additional IG PHP Captain ® Zafar Iqbal Awan, Additional IG IAB Azhar Hameed Khokhar, Additional IG Operations Inam Ghani, Additional IG welfare and Finance Rao Sardar, Additional IG Logistics and Procurement Ghulam Rasool Zahid, Additional IG Establishment B A Nasir, DIG SPU Umar Sheikh, Additional IG CTD Muhammad Tahir Rai, DIG Legal Jawad Dogar, Additional IG Special Branch Muhammad Zaeem Iqbal Sheikh, DIG IT Ghulam Mehmood Dogar  and other seniors officers were also present in the crime meeting whereas all the RPOs and DPOs participated in the meeting via video link.— PRESS RELEASE