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PITB to Develop ‘e-Abiana’ App for Irrigation Revenue Collection


By Our Web Reporter 

LAHORE MIRROR – The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) has planned to develop a mobile application called ‘e-Abiana’, which aims to facilitate the Board of Revenue (BOR) in collecting irrigation revenue. It specifically targets the efficient collection of Abiana from Lumberdars across Punjab.

At this occasion, PITB Additional DG Khurram Mushtaq gave a detailed presentation on the development of the ‘Irrigation Revenue Collection Application’ as part of the ‘Irrigation Revenue Collection System’ that aims at assisting the BOR in the collection of Abiana by Lumberdars.

At the same time, PITB Director Ali Kheiri briefed the attendees on the roles of Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners in the collection of Abiana.

The chair appreciated PITB’s contribution in successfully rolling out the initiative, which is successfully functional across Punjab and discussed the way forward.

Previously, Lumberdars used to collect Abiana bills manually from irrigators. Now, the Abiana bills would be collected by using the Irrigation Revenue Collection Application.

After collecting single bills from irrigators, Lumberdars would generate club bills of already collected single bills. After this, Lumberdar would pay those Club bills via Banks, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking etc.

Abiana’s recovery status can be monitored by Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners in their respective districts and tehsils via the Irrigation Revenue Collection System.

The e-Abiana System was launched in December 2020 and is active in 57 Irrigation Divisions across Punjab.