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NESPAK Holds Rally In Solidarity With Kashmir


LAHORE– On the appeal of Prime Minister of Pakistan, NESPK held a rally to express solidarity with Kashmiri brethren here at NESPAK House, Lahore on Friday.

A large number of NESPAK employees led by Dr. Tahir M. Hayat, Executive Vice President  NESPAK took part in the rally.

The participants were carrying banners and playcards inscribed with slogans for the freedom of Kashmir and chanting slogans against Indian forces’ brutalities against the Kashmiris.

Addressing the rally, Dr. Tahir Hayat paid homage to the sacrifices of the people of Kashmir. He said that those who are living either in Occupied Kashmir or Azad Kashmir, they are our brothers and sisters. He urged the world to take note of atrocities by India in the Occupied Kashmir.

He said that India was suppressing ingenious freedom struggle of the people of the Kashmir against occupation with the usage of force and state terrorism. The struggle of the Kashmiris for independence would be successful soon, he concluded.— PRESS RELEASE