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Meishang Int’l Group Meets Buzdar to Discuss Housing Sector Investment in Punjab


LAHORE– A delegation of Meishang International Group Investment Holding Limited of China led by its Chairman Prof. Guo Rongzong called on the Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar here at CM Office on Friday. The delegation expressed keen interest in investment in housing sector of Punjab.   

Prof. Guo Rongzong showed interest in investing in the construction of low-cost houses for low-income families adding that they want to construct two lakh such houses in Punjab. Talking on the occasion, the chief minister welcomed Chinese investors’ interest and assured to provide every possible facility.

He added that vast opportunities of investment are available and added that foreign investment will be fully protected in the province.

He directed the line departments to submit comprehensive recommendations after analyzing the proposal and future roadmap should be prepared at the earliest.

He said that the PTI government has launched Naya Pakistan Housing programme and work is being done speedily. He informed that construction of high-rise buildings has been allowed by the Punjab government and hoped that this would boost economic activities.

Director and Overseas Project President Michael Tu, Overseas Project Manager Sean Crawford and Secretary Samuel Li were included in the delegation.

Provincial Housing Minister Mian Mahmood ur Rasheed, Chairman PBIT Sardar Tanvir Ilyas, Chief Secretary, secretaries of housing, P&D and industries departments, CEO PBIT, Secretary Taskforce Atif Mayo and others were also present on the occasion.

Pubic delegations call on CM

People from different districts called on Chief Minister Usman Buzdar at his office here on Friday. The chief minister listened to them and issued instructions for the solution of their difficulties.

Talking on the occasion, he said that entire attention is focused on work to come up to the expectations of the people and the genuine problems are being solved on a priority basis.

He pointed out that resources were given to a few cities and far-flung areas were ignored in the past. The policy of ensuring composite development of the province was badly violated and remote areas were kept deprived of the development process through a specific agenda of the then government.

Public problems were compounded due to the wrong policies of the previous tenures and a specific segment of the society became richer at the expense of the common man, he added.

Usman Buzdar said that this cruel system of the past has no room in the new Pakistan. We work hard and perform instead of lip-service, he said.

The era of loot and plundering has passed and resources are a sacred trust of the people now. He said that new Pakistan is composed of a new approach and the passion to build the country with a renewed spirit and no one will be allowed to hinder the agenda of change.

The chief minister said that the health sector is an important priority of the Punjab government and pointed out that nine new hospitals are being constructed in the province after a lapse of many decades.

Similarly, emergencies of 100 THQ hospitals are being upgraded where trauma facility will also be available.

On the other side, sehat insaf cards are being distributed among the deserving to ensure their access to better healthcare facilities.

In fact, the PTI government is rectifying the problems of 70 years and public expectations will be fulfilled through transparent and trustworthy leadership, the chief minister concluded.— PRESS HANDOUT