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Lahore Police Hold Meeting With Shia Community to Discuss Moharram Security


LAHORE– A meeting of members of the District Peace Committee Lahore belonging to Shia community, Ulema and license holders of Majalis and Azadari processions was held at the District Police Lines Qilla Gujjar Singh on Saturday.

SP Security Lahore Muhammad Naveed presided over the meeting whereas SP Iqbal Town Captain (retired) Muhammad Ajmal, SP Cantt Division Safdar Raza Kazmi, SP Civil Lines Dost Muhammad, SP City Syed Ghazanfar Ali along with other related officers attended the meeting.

Renowned ulema and leaders from Shia community, Khawaja Basharat Karbalai, Agha Shah Hussain Qazalbash, Syed Ali Raza Jaffari, Touqeer Hussain Baba, Syed Kazim Raza Naqvi and Laal Shah including hundreds of license holders of majalis were also present on this occasion.

CCPO Lahore BA Nasir and DIG Operations Lahore Ashfaq Khan had directed the concerned officers to hold meeting with license holders and ulema to brief them about the SOPs of Lahore Police as well as arrangements made to ensure peace and security during the Ashura and other related sacred programs of Muharram ul Haram.

SP Security Muhammad Naveed while addressing the participants, said that in wake of present security situation at border areas and occupied Kashmir, it is dire need of the day to be extra vigilant and careful during the upcoming Muharram ul Haram to avoid any untoward incident and any vested effort of the enemy to create breach among our unity.

He said that religious leaders from all schools of thought should promote interfaith harmony, tolerance and brotherhood in their speeches to create an atmosphere of peace and love in the society.

He said that all issues regarding majalis and Azadari processions should be resolved at local level through mutual coordination and understanding among the members of Peace Committee, license holders and Lahore Police.

The SP Security said that to ensure security of the majalis and processions alongwith protection of their participants, all the stake holders should strictly follow the SOPs issued by Lahore Police.

Divisional SPs, while talking on this occasion said that effective and constant coordination will be made among Lahore Police and organizers of the programs of Muharram whereas monitoring of these programs will also be ensured.

The meeting was informed that checking of the participants will be made through metal detectors, walk through gates and physical body search by Lahore Police officials and volunteers.

The routes of processions will be monitored through CCTV cameras of Punjab Safe Cities Authorities and District Government whereas snipers will be deputed on the roof tops as well to keep an eye on any suspicious activities.

SP Security Muhammad Naveed further informed that the volunteers will be given imparted training regarding body search and checking process alongwith weapons handling at District Police Lines Qilla Gujjar Singh.

Members of the District Peace Committee and license holders of Shia community expressed their satisfaction over the details of arrangements of Lahore Police to ensure peace during Muharram ul Harram.— PRESS HANDOUT