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Kasur Police Restore The Glory of Its Public Service, Reunite 80 Kids With Parents


— DPO Zahid Nawaz Marwat elaborates reformatory changes in Kasur police formations, strong blow to child abductions and crime fighting

By Muhammad Faisal Ali Ghumman

KASUR– In what appears to be remarkable performance in cases of missing children and child abuse, Kasur police have been continuing with certain mega successes as recently 80 children have been reunited with their parents through smart policing.

The police focus on children follows the tragic incidents of Chunian- the discovery of kidnapped victims’ bodies- and the Punjab government’s initiative to bust organized or unorganized rackets.

Following child abductions and murders, the wave of fear engulfed the entire district, whose inhabitants usually belong to lower middle and poor segments of society and don’t care much about the movements of their small kids going outside homes.

All fingers raised over the working of Kasur police that was blamed for poor preventive and detective measures to curb child kidnappings and abuse.

The reappointment of police officer SP Zahid Nawaz Marwat in Kasur around a couple of months ago as District Police chief in the aftermath of Chunian episode finally brought relief to the citizens.

Keeping in view the past experience of Kasur police’s lethargic response in all those cases, the DPO focused on ‘Police Response’ that is now most active and public has been highly appreciative.

Zahid Nawaz Marwat has been given the task to implement reforms package announced by the provincial government.

The DPO has been working on different angles to bring improvement in Kasur police.

In an interaction with lahoremirror.com, the DPO says community liaison officers have been appointed in all police stations whose sole job is to bridge gap between public and police though extending courtesy to all who visit police stations.

The LOs arrange public lectures about child rights and also convey the message of the provincial police chief to public at large about the commitment to protect their lives, liberty and property at large, he adds.

“Separate desks have been formed for better liaison with the prosecution department for enhancing conviction ratio and improving the quality of investigation.”

Police skills to combat crime improved

SP Zahid Nawaz Marwat says the time he assumed the charge the complaint redressal percentage was 19.4 per cent that now stands at 78.14 percent in just two months.

“The Crimes Investigation Agency (CIA) has been reformed and made vibrant to chase dacoites and robbers on hot footing,” he said, adding list of well known sexual offenders have been prepared.

Similarly, the list of places where such sexual crime can be hid and bodies could be decomposed have also been prepared.

The police response, the DPO says, to any crime has been enhanced and made speedy. In all such cases police response can be checked and verified by a third party audit.

The profiling of entire district has been started and in the first instance strict action is being taken against all those who are alcohol addicts and mostly create embarrassment for the department particularly and known corrupt in particular. 

The DPO has been trying to ensure regular inspection of police stations and visit three police stations in a weak for better check and control.

Public hearing and liaison

The open courts on daily basis have been ensured at the DPO office and for the purpose a tent has been erected with public friendly touch. 

A close liaison with traders, ulemas and lawyers are the hall mark of policing in Kasur now a days. 

Sermons written by the Regional Police Officer Sheikhupura have been given to almost all mosques and efforts are being made to make it a part of their Friday prayer sermons.

The sermons mainly focus on child rights and condemnations of this heinous crime as bigger sin in the words of Holy Quran and Hadith.

The concept of alternate dispute resolution council has currently been in implementing phase and for the purpose an office has been set up and soon selection of persons will be done.

To check corruption and ensure fair dispensation of justice stringent hand has been put on the district. 

Public hearing and liaison

The open courts on daily basis have been ensured at the DPO office and for the purpose a tent has been erected with public friendly touch. 

A close liaison with traders, ulemas and lawyers are the hall mark of policing in Kasur now a days. 

Sermons written by the Regional Police Officer Sheikhupura have been given to almost all mosques and efforts are being made to make it a part of their Friday prayer sermons.

The sermons mainly focus on child rights and condemnations of this heinous crime as bigger sin in the words of Holy Quran and Hadith.

The concept of alternate dispute resolution council has currently been in implementing phase and for the purpose an office has been set up and soon selection of persons will be done.

To check corruption and ensure fair dispensation of justice stringent hand has been put on the district. 

“The public perception is changing in favour of Kasur police owing to close contacts with the society,” Marwat optimistically says.— LAHORE MIRROR