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‘Ist Time’ Two Lahore DIGs Come Face To Face With Complainants Of Raiwind Circle


By Our Web Reporter

LAHORE– Usually a senior officer in the Punjab police holds open court independently to deal public complaints, but in Lahore on Saturday Deputy Inspector General of Police (Operations Wing) Rai Babar Saeed and DIG Investigation Dr Inaam Waheed sat together at the Raiwind police station for the purpose.

The joint open court that appeared to be unprecedented in the history of Lahore police was flooded by the complainants who raised their various issues with the the DIGs of Operations & Investigation wings.

Both the officers directed the concerned police officers on the spot for immediate redressel of their grievances.

Both the DIGs had their joint resolve that the sole responsibility of police force is to provide law full timely support to the citizens facing any difficulties and every police officers and official should help the humanity with the spirit to render best possible services and ensure safety of life and property of the public.

They said that the genuine problems of the citizens must be solved at police station level on priority basis, however, doors their offices were round the clock open to every complainant for provision of justice.

Humbleness and politeness should be the face mark of every police officer and official as Allah has bestowed powers to us only to serve the humanity, they urged.

DIG Operations Rai Babar Saeed and DIG Investigation Dr Inaam Waheed also met with the officers of Operation and Investigation Wings of Police Station Raiwind.

They said dutiful officers were the assests of the department, however, every inefficient and corrupt officers will have to face the accountability if he misuses his powers.

DIG Operations and Investigation directed the police officers to redress the problems of citizens at their door steps using professional skills and maximum resources.

They further said that maintenance of law and order and security of life and property of the citizens is the top priority of Lahore Police.

All possible resources are being utilized for the elimination of crimes in the city, they concluded.

SP Sadar Division Syed Ghazanfar Ali, ASP Raiwind Circle Muhammad Tanveer Raza, SHOs, In-charge Investigations and a huge number of citizens were present in the open court.

The open courts have become a regular feature of the Punjab police and field officers are seen conducting face to face interactions with the complainants in bulk to listen to their concerns and take immediate relief in some cases.