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Commissioner Lahore Supervises Rain Water Disposal Arrangements In Field Visits


LAHORE– Commissioner Lahore Division Asif Bilal Lodhi Tuesday paid two surprise visits during raining to check the arrangements regarding current monsoon spell in Lahore.

He visited the Railway Station, Mall Road, Davis Road, Patiala Ground, Nabha Road, Lakshmi Chowk, Qazzafi Stadium, Anarkali Chowk and Sundas Road.

Asif Bilal directed all the AC,s of Lahore city and Lahore division to monitor all activities to evacuate storm water immediately.When he reached Lakshmi Chowk, WASA staff was operational and machinery was working.He checked the working of disposal station of WASA at Lakshmi.

He instructed to all officers of concerned agencies to address the complaints of citizens about accumulated storm water efficiently.

Commissioner Lahore also gave directions for emergency traffic management around the roads with heavy storm water to avoid traffic mess. He said that emergency relief camps under WASA were established in whole city.


Commissioner reaches Raiwind City on public complaints

Commissioner Lahore Division Asif Bilal Lodhi paid a surprise visit to Raiwind City, with Assistant Commissioner Raiwind, CO MCL, MOI and ZOI,  on receiving complaints from general public regarding sewerage issues at Raiwind city.

He took notice of complaints and himself visited city generally and Mohalla Islamabad particularly, interacted with people, spent 01.30 hour with public, listened their complaints and visited streets of Raiwind.

He directed CO MCL, MOI and AC Raiwind to remove ghost employees, if any and to fulfill the requirement of staff on urgent basis.

He discussed in length the issues related to sewerage, prepared list of streets where there are sewerage issues with estimates and called urgent meeting to sanction sufficient funds for redressal of grievances regarding sewerage.

He directed MOI and Assistant Commissioner Raiwind, to supervise desilting activity personally. Further, he directed to look into the projects , completed by Public Health Engineering  and identify lapses, if any.— PRESS HANDOUT