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Commandant Navy War College, IG Punjab Reach Consensus Over Extending Cooperation Between Their Training Institutions


LAHORE– Inspector General of Punjab Police Shoaib Dastgir and Commandant Navy War College Rear and Pak Navy Commander Central Punjab Admiral Muhammad Zubair Shafiq agreed to enhance cooperation between their training institutions.

The Punjab police chief said that provincial police are improving public service delivery in accordance with modern parameters.

It is utilizing effective modern technology with continuing crackdown with intelligence based operations against hardened criminals so that supremacy of law could be maintained in the society, he added.

The IG further said that training modules have been upgraded for improving the standard of training of force whereas Punjab Police has enhanced its efficiency with formation of Counter Terrorism Department (CTD), Special Protection Unit (SPU), Dolphin, PRU, Anti Riot Force alongwith other specialized forces.

During their meeting at the Central Police Office (CPO), mutual objectives and overall law and order issues of the province were discussed.

Commander central Punjab cum commandant navy War college Rear Admiral Muhammad Zubair Shafiq praised the Punjab Police for facilitating public, saying these projects of public service delivery are not only need of hour but also be followed by other police forces of the country.

The IG Punjab informed that thousands of citizens are benefiting from Police Khidmat Marakiz established in all districts of the province. Inspection and monitoring processes are being undertaken to improve standards of these facilities.

During the meeting, a mutual consensus was also accorded to enhance professional skills and coordination despite exchanging training instructors between Punjab Police and Pak Navy so that the efficiency of force may be augmented. In the end of the meeting, memorial souvenirs were exchanged between IG Punjab and commander central Punjab navy.— PRESS RELEASE