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ChatGPT in trouble: OpenAI costs company $700,000 daily, bankruptcy looms by 2024


LAHORE MIRROR — OpenAI, a renowned company dedicated to enhancing computer intelligence, currently finds itself troubling with significant challenges. The company seeks to lift the performance of its ChatGPT computer programme, but this ambition comes with significant financial implications.

Operating ChatGPT translates into a daily expenditure of approximately $700,000, which has prompted OpenAI, under the leadership of Sam Altman, to encounter financial constraints. Despite their efforts to monetize their software offerings such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, the revenue generated thus far has proven insufficient to offset these substantial costs. This predicament has sparked concerns about the company’s long-term sustainability.

While OpenAI has consistently demonstrated remarkable achievements in the realm of computer science, the current financial strain underscores the complexity of managing expenses associated with cutting-edge technology.

Meanwhile, OpenAI’s pursuit of advancing computer capabilities has led them to a challenging juncture, where their laudable objectives are somewhat overshadowed by the pressing financial issues stemming from the operational costs of ChatGPT and related endeavors.

It’s a tough situation because even though OpenAI does amazing things with computers, they’re struggling to handle the costs right now.