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BankIslami Holds Exclusive Corporate Dinner For Its Corporate Clients


LAHORE– BankIslami held its annual dinner for its corporate clients at a local hotel the other day.

The dinner was hosted for BankIslami esteemed clientele from all over Punjab. Lahore city customers from all sectors – large corporate, public sector, commercial and SME customers all participated and graced the occasion.

Presence of noticeable businessmen from prominent business houses was eminent.

Entire regional and country leadership team of BankIslami was present on the occasion to welcome the distinguished guests and exchange views on economy, business and above all to take important feedback directly from their customers for the betterment of the bank.

The event also provided an excellent opportunity to the customers from divergent sectors to mingle with each other for greater social and business ties.

This was also a perfect stage to showcase the half yearly financial achievements of the Bank. These achievements included over 8 times growth in profit in comparison to the same period last year, rise of 15.8 and 17.8 percent in the deposit and asset base respectively in comparison to the numbers posted in December 2018.

Speaking on the occasion, Syed Amir Ali – President & CEO BankIslami thanked the distinguished audience especially thanking people who travelled from other cities for the event and said: “BankIslami is committed for sustainable growth and making major strides towards its achievement.”

Apart from achieving financial excellence, BankIslami is determined to play a leading role in promoting Islamic banking and finance throughout the country and is continuously working for introducing innovative Islamic products and services for its existing and potential clientele.— PRESS RELEASE