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Alhamra Arranges Musical Events To Show Solidarity With Kashmir

LAHORE– The Lahore Arts Council arranged two different musical events to express solidarity with Kashmiris at both complexes of Alhamra on Thursday. 
LAC through these programs including exhibitions, plays, songs programs, walks, seminars is highlighting the struggle of the Kashmiri people to the new generation.
All the participants, including singers from Quetta Balochistan, Sahir Hassan, and Sunaina Khan performed wonderfully in the evening which met immense applause from the audience.
Executive Director Lahore Arts Council Athar Ali Khan said in his comments that the entire nation stands with the Kashmiris and we believe that the struggle of the Kashmiri people will bring colors to the valley and the bright morning of independence will surely rise.
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He further said that the fight of Kashmiri people for independence is now over six decades-long and they suffer a lot by all means since India captured the Kashmir valley unethically.
Khan stated that to show solidarity with the people of Kashmir LAC will always highlight their struggle till their independence and we will continue to arrange different programs to express unity with the people of Kashmir as we are standing with Kashmiris in all circumstances.
People from all walks of life attended the shows of national songs and praised Alhamra’s efforts to promote harmony and solidarity with Kashmiri brothers and sisters.— PRESS RELEASE