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2019: NAB Lahore Highlights Its Achievement


LAHORE– Under the supervision of the Director General, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Lahore has issued Annual Performance Report for the year 2019 and highlighted achievements in detail regarding initiatives being taken in mega corruption scandals.

Issuing annual performance report, the NAB has been proactively pursuing the policy of “Accountability for All” under the Chairmanship of Justice Javed Iqbal, whereas, Chairman NAB’s adopted policies have been gaining lucent positive outcomes.

At this occasion, he further stated that eradication of corruption for society remains top most priority of NAB.

As per details of annual report, the NAB Lahore collectively received more than 13 thousand applications related to corruption and mismanagement from different circles of society from which 235 Complaint Verifications (CVs) were authorized during 2019, whereas, major number of Complaints received with NAB Lahore proved to be away from NAB’s domain and ultimately got cancelled while around 122 Complaints were referred to other Departments.

A sum of 72 Complaint Verifications were upgraded into Inquiry level while 52 CVs of the total were closed down during the scrutiny process.  At the same time, direct Inquiries were also authorized over 28 Complaints, whereas, at the end of 2019 138 CVs are underway in NAB Lahore.

In past years, NAB Lahore has been receiving 4,000 Complaints average per year and increased number of Complaints depicts public trust over NAB.

Year 2018 transferred 202 ongoing Inquiries into 2019 while NAB Executive Board authorized 100 fresh Inquiries in 2019. Moreover, 75 Inquiries were closed down or referred to other Departments, whereas, two Inquiries were merged into other ongoing Cases.  

During 2019, 5 direct Investigations were authorized and another 31 Inquiries were also upgraded into Investigation level. Currently, at the end of 2019, a total of 194 Inquiries are being probed in NAB Lahore.

NAB Lahore Investigation teams have been authorized 36 Investigations during 2019, whereas, 49 Investigations were transferred from last year into 2019.

One ongoing Investigation was completed through holding Plea Bargain (PB) while 25 Corruption References were filed into Accountability Courts after completing their Investigations.

Executive Board closed 5 Investigations in 2019. Moreover, at the end of current year total 55 Investigations are underway in NAB Lahore.

NAB Lahore’s Prosecution Wing filed a total of 55 References in Accountability Courts from which 25 References were of 18(g) ‘Corruption Reference’ and other 30 References were of 25(b) as ‘Plea Bargain’.

During 2019, NAB Lahore broke all annual records since 1999 in making recoveries from corrupt elements by securing Rs29,930.401 million collectively.

From the total amount Rs2781.401 Million were received as director recovery while Rs27149 Million have been recovered as an indirect recovery.

During 2019, under the approval from Courts around 73 accused persons held Plea Bargain with NAB Lahore and returned the looted money.  NAB Lahore’s Intelligence Wing nabbed around 138 accused persons over securing substantial evidences against them in Corruption Scams.

Following the directions from Justice Javed Iqbal and under the supervision of DG NAB Lahore handsome amount of Rs2280.915 Million were disbursed amongst affectees of different scams, whereas, disbursement in shape of Property/Plots Rs27149 Million.

More than Twelve thousand four hundred affectees were benefitted in the shape of Cash disbursement and Possession of property.— PRESS RELEASE