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Child Abuse Still A Nightmare For Our Society


Afrah Imran

In Pakistan child abuse rate is increasing day by day. Child abuse may be in the form of sexual harassment, rape or an erotic talk. Even in schools, children from age 14 to 16 have been involved in these activities, or their minds are full of violence.

Especially boys whom minds are filled with these nasty thoughts and they try to touch little girls age 4 to 6. Children, who are sexually abused, suffer severe trauma and the most common effects of sexual abuse is the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

A disorder in which a person experiences or witnesses tragic or traumatic events such as accidents, sexual abuse. People with PTSD suffer from frightening thoughts and they re-experience trauma in the form of nightmares.

Children, who suffer such situations, try to show their parents by doing different actions. Such children seem afraid of meeting new people. Depression and anxiety may be signs of such trauma.

If such children are not treated in time by psychiatrists, it may lead to worsening the mental illness.

Safe environments can help reduce the risk of abuse. More than 80 per cent sexual abuse cases occur in isolated and one-on-one situations.

Now it’s time to stop sexual abuse with improved vigilance on children and educating them about what is good and bad for them. The community participation and sensitising neighbourhood about dangers of childhood are also valuable options to exhaust.

Arfah Imran

— The writer is studying BS Mass Communication at Virtual University and is part of FM93 Bazm-e-Talaba. She writes on social issues. She can be reached at [email protected]