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PTI Activist Shayan Ali Booked Under Charges of Terrorism and Sedition


LAHORE MIRROR — A Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) activist named Shayan Ali, based in London, has been booked under sedition and terrorism charges following his alleged derogatory remarks against a judicial officer on social media.

The incident has led to the filing of a case against Shayan Ali at the Ramna police station within the Islamabad Capital Territory.

The first information report (FIR) details that the accused, Shayan Ali, produced videos targeting a judicial officer residing in London. The videos reportedly depicted an attempted assault on the judicial officer, thwarted by security personnel who were present at the scene. In the videos, the judicial officer was reportedly referred to as a “gangster” and accused of engaging in financial misconduct.

Individuals named Sara Mir Gilgati and Imran Khalil are mentioned in the FIR as co-participants in these claims, associating themselves with PTI London.

Furthermore, the FIR reveals that Adil Farooq Raja also played an active role online in connection with this case. These incidents collectively contributed to an atmosphere of apprehension and distress. The authorities perceive such actions as a form of ‘terrorism’, as they propagate fear and distress within the community.

It is worth mentioning here that the incident has caused significant concern within the community and legal circles due to the alleged severity of the insults and the attempt on the judicial officer’s safety. The case remains under investigation, and its outcome will likely have implications for the boundaries of free speech and responsible online behavior.