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PML-N, PTI ‘failed’ to deliver: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi


LAHORE MIRROR — Former premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that both the PML-N and  PTI had “failed” to deliver for the country, local private TV channel reported.

Addressing an event, Mr Abbasi asserted, “The politicians are more responsible for the ongoing situation of the country. The country’s problems will not be addressed until all the stakeholders sit together.”

“It is not possible to run the country where anarchy prevails. If three back-to-back transparent elections are held in the country, the problems of the country will be solved,” Mr Abbasi stated.

He stated, “Today, the people of the country are receiving more inflated power bills than their monthly incomes. There is a dire need to take difficult decisions in a bid to take the country out of the quagmire”.

Mr Abbasi said, “This is a last opportunity to drag the country out of the vortex; otherwise, everyone will be responsible for the outcomes”.

“Sadly, on August 14, every year, there is a tradition to distribute awards. But none of us deserve any awards considering the country’s woes,” Mr Abbasi rued.