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PEMRA stops broadcast of drama serial ‘Hadsa’


LAHORE MIRROR — The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has taken decisive action to restrict the broadcast of a TV series called “Hadsa,” believed to draw inspiration from the tragic 2020 motorway gang rape case.

This move comes in response to widespread criticism and outrage, as the show’s storyline appears to closely mirror the horrifying incident that garnered global attention. In this event, a woman was brutally assaulted by two men while traveling near Lahore, in the presence of her children.

The impetus for PEMRA’s intervention stemmed from a formal complaint filed by advocate Khadija Siddiqi. Following the public outcry against the show, which resonated due to its unsettling parallels with the distressing real-life event, PEMRA directed Geo TV to halt the broadcast of the contentious drama.

The formal complaint gained momentum as it was revealed that the victim of the earlier rape case had sought legal advice. Subsequently, her legal representatives approached PEMRA with a plea to prevent the broadcast.

PEMRA, in its official notice, acknowledged having received numerous complaints from concerned viewers regarding the drama’s plot and theme. Viewers expressed strong objections to the show’s apparent basis in the real incident that occurred on the Lahore-Sialkot Motorway.

The prevailing sentiment is that depicting such a heinous act on screen not only revives the trauma experienced by the victim but also has the potential to damage Pakistan’s reputation on the international stage. Concerns have been raised that viewers abroad might perceive the country as unsafe for women.

Characterizing the narrative of “Hadsa,” PEMRA deemed it highly inappropriate and disturbing. The regulator emphasized that the show does not accurately represent Pakistani society and its values.

Consequently, PEMRA swiftly imposed a prohibition on the show’s broadcast, invoking its authority under Section 27 of the Pemra Ordinance, 2002, as amended by the Pemra (Amendment) Act 2007.