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PCJCCI Suggests Replication Of Chinese Eexperience To Combat Coronavirus


LAHORE – Mr. Zarak Khan, President Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) has urged the government to avail of Chinese expertise to control further spread of coronavirus in Pakistan.

Presiding over a meeting of the medical and economic experts at PCJCCI, he said that Pakistan’s economy was not able to sustain the economic loss as it was being borne by the developed countries like China. Therefore, he called upon the government to invite help of the Chinese experts, who have done miracle to combat Coronavirus by protecting hundreds of thousands of people in China from the virus.

They fought rigorously with innovate approach on a scale that we have never seen in history, he said.  “I think the key learning from China is “speed”, the faster you can find the cases, isolate the cases, the more successful you are going to be in eradicating COVID-19, he said and told that China had linked emergency centers to the public through tracking and in this way they were successful to monitor each and every citizen.

He also apprised the services and emergency assistance which China had provided Pakistan to fight with the dreadful coronavirus. He thanked Chinese government and the nation for supplying 12,000 test kits, 300, 000 masks, 10,000 protective suits and 4 million US dollar to build Corona specific hospital.

Mr. Moazzam Ghurki, Senior Vice President and Mr. Salahuddin Hanif, Secretary General of PCJCCI also paid tributes to China for fighting against fatal Coronavirus bravely and intelligently. Mr. Ghurki informed that China had built two new 1000 and 100 bed hospitals to fight with this disease, one was constructed in 6 days and the other in 15 days using prefabricated modules and also sealed special wards in the existing hospitals to isolate the patients of coronavirus.

We should also adopt their ways to fight with the novel coronavirus by building fever centers, to accommodate maximum people, because the normal people are also suffering from anxiety, these fever clinics should provide them services for reassurance that they didn’t have the coronavirus, Mr. Moazam Ghurki said.

Mr. Salahuddin Hanif, Secretary General PCJCCI, speaking on this occasion, hoped that we would succeed in fighting with this outrageous coronavirus by seeking help from our brother nation China. He appealed the people of Pakistan to follow the instructions given by the government in this regard. –RPESS RELEASE