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Pakistani Hajj Moavineen Reunite Elderly Woman With Family In Macca



MACCA (Lahore Mirror): Pakistani Hajj Moavineen has reunited a 65-year old women with family after continue hectic efforts of 24 hours.

The women Hajj pilgrim, Ms Razi of Mianwali, arrived at Macca by first flight and was lost while performing Umrah at Al-Masjid al-Haram. The family of old woman tried to search her but could not find her whereabouts. Razia’s son Asif approached Pakistani Hajj Moavineen mission at Macca and requested for help to find her.

Director Accommodation and Transport Syed Imtiaz Shah constituted a team of 10 Moavineen under the supervision of Deputy Sector Commander Waqar Khan.  The Pakistani Moavineen traced out the old woman with continuous 24 hours hectic efforts.

The woman was reunited with the family with emotional scenes. The heir of women thanked the efforts of Pakistani Moavineen to find her mother and reducing the unbearable pain for losing mother.