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Pakistan: 52 Local Auto Parts Makers Receive Technical Guidance from Japanese Experts


LAHORE– A team of five Japanese experts in collaboration with the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) have supported 52 local auto parts manufacturers to enhance quality and productivity of their products as per requirement of both local and export markets.

It was informed by Fuad Hashim Rabbani, the General Manager Central Support SMEDA, while addressing closing ceremony of a technical support program of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) arranged by SMEDA for local auto parts manufacturing industry.

Mr Y Onoe, Senior representative, JICA Mr Hiroshi KANEKI, SMEDA officials Mr Ashfaq Ahmed, General Manager B&SDS, Mr Mukesh Kumar, Provincial Chief Sindh and Muhammad Ashraf Shaikh, Chairman PAAPAM also spoke on the occasion.

Mr Abdul Haleem Sheikh, Secretary, Industries and Commerce Department, Government of Sindh attended the ceremony as Chief Guest.

Mr Ashfaq Ahmed, General Manager B&SDS SMEDA elaborated various initiatives of Industry Support Cell (ISC), SMEDA to improve productivity, quality and energy efficiency of SMEs of varied nature of sectors through foreign experts.

He informed that quite a large number of Auto Parts Manufacturers were nominated byPAAPAM and OEM’sthat indicates the importance of this project for Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry.

He further enlightened that during the project tenure of 4 years, 52 targets suppliers both in Sindh and Punjab regions were facilitated out of which 17 were selected as model case companies based on their performance and eagerness for implementing KAIZEN activities.

He added that the JICA experts had played a tremendous role for making those companies self-sufficient.

Chief of JICA Expert’s team, Mr Hiroshi KANEKI briefed about the various activities carried out during 2nd Term along with results achieved after implementing various Japanese tools and techniques.

Pakistan auto part manufacturing sector has huge potential to compete in the international market by focusing on manufacturing systems and improving Productivity & Quality of their products through KAIZEN activities, Mr KANEKI opined.

Mr Y Onoe, senior representative, JICA Pakistan Office assured the stakeholders that JICA will continue its technical support for auto parts industry of Pakistan for manufacturing quality products and to make them more competitive in world market.

Chief Guest Mr Abdul Haleem congratulated SMEDA, JICA and PAAPAM for initiating such an important project. He added, the world is controlled by technology and unfortunately we are still lacking in it.

He appreciated the efforts and assistance ofJapanese experts for our local manufacturers towardsproducing quality products to meet OEMs’requirements and showed his extreme satisfaction on the impressive progress of the project.

He acknowledged various initiatives undertaken by SMEDA for SME development and expect similar support in future especially through provision of international experts.

Mr Muhammad Ashraf Shaikh., Chairman, PAAPAM in his concluding remarks described the current situation of automobile industry, he also highlighted the need of Joint Venture (JVs) and Technical Assistance (TAs) with foreign countries.

PAAPAM chairman requested to JICA for permanent availability of Japanese technical advisors in Pakistan. He encouraged the efforts of SMEDA and JICA for implementing Japanese techniques. He requested to SMEDA and JICA teams to assist their members in future too.

Mr Mukesh Kumar, Provincial Chief SMEDA Sindh welcomed the participants and introduced various Functions and Services being offered by SMEDA to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan.— PRESS RELEASE