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NHMP organize Kashmir Solidarity Rally


LAHORE– On the direction of the Prime Minister Pakistan, more than six hundred officers of National Highways Motorway Police (NHMP) organized a rally on Friday to show solidarity with people of Jummu and Kashmir led by Commandant Training College DIG Mehboob Aslam.

Deputy Commandant Training College SP Ghulam Qadir Sindhu, CPO/DSP Training Naseem Abbas, CPO/DSP Admin Timur Khan, DSP/CPO DLA Muhammad Khan Toor and other senior officers and under training officers were also present on the occasion.

The participants led by Commandant NHMP Training College DIG Mehboob Aslam were carrying banners and play cards on which slogans demonstrating solidarity with Muslims of occupied Kashmir, atrocities upon Kashmiri people and demand from world comity to play an active part to resolve issue of Kashmir were written.

The participants also chanted sky high slogans against atrocities of India and showed solid belief that one day occupied Kashmir will become part of Pakistan. Watch porn anime Akumi Episode 1, best hentai videos.

The traffic was also symbolically stopped on Lahore Islamabad Motorway. Talking to the media Commandant Training College DIG Mehboob Aslam said that Kashmir is lifeline of Pakistan which cannot be given in hands of enemies.

We show solidarity with people of occupies Jummu and Kashmir and strongly condemn brutal act of India, he further added.

DIG Mehbood Aslam demanded that previous status of Kashmir should be restored, the atrocities upon Muslims of Kashmir should be stopped immediately and the issue of Kashmir should be resolved as per UN resolution according to the wishes of Kashmiri people.

DIG Mehboob Aslam said that if India showed any aggression against Pakistan, every officer of Motorway Police will stand by armed forces of Pakistan and will fight till last drop of blood for defense of our beloved country and rights of Kashmiri Muslims.— PRESS HANDOUT