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Kashmir Could Become Part of Indian Union If Isb Fails to Intervene: Siraju Haq


PESHAWAR/LAHORE– Jamaat-e-Islami chief Sirajul Haq has said the status of Kashmir will no longer remain as ‘disputed’ and the region will become part of the Indian union if Islamabad fails to take decisive steps against New Delhi’s designs.

Talking to senior journalists at JI provincial office “Markze Islamai” in Peshawar on Sunday, he said people of Pakistan would never allow government take “U-turn” on Kashmir cause.

JI Secertary General Amirul Azeem and JI Information Secretary Qaisar Sharif were also present on occasion.

The leaders opposed the formation of media tribunals and assured the journalists that JI was standing with them in their struggle for free media.

Senator Siraj said it was high time that political parties demonstrate unity on Kashmir by setting aside their political differences. He said the national unity was even more important and powerful than having an atomic bomb.

The JI chief said that none of the past governments disappointed the nation as much and as fast as the government of Imran Khan.

The people had pinned lot of hopes on the PTI because of its tall claims but it failed to fulfill even a single promise it made with masses during the election campaign, he added.

He said the unemployment and inflation were rising with every day passing and the common man was unable to earn bread and butter for family.

He demanded government announce immediate reduction in prices of petrol, electricity, gas and basic commodities of life.

He told the journalists that JI had started “Save Kashmir Movement” since the day India abrogated special autonomy of IHK and held big rallies in different cities.

In continuation of the movement, he said, the JI was organizing Kashmir Solidarity March in Muzaffarabad on Sept 27.

Concerns over deteriorating economy, law and order situation

Jamaat-e-Islami leaders have expressed concerns over deteriorating situation of economy and law and order in the country.

In a joint statement issued from JI headquarters Mansoora on Sunday, they also criticized the silence of the world over Kashmir issue.

JI Naib Amir Liaqat Baloch said the Indian state had been unleashing brutality on the people of Kashmir for more than 70 years but the violence touched new peaks since August 5.

He said the UNO had given the right to self determination to the Kashmiris but it could not be exercised in the held region for many decades. He appealed the international community to play its role in implementation of UN resolutions on IHK.

He further said that Muslims of Pakistan would never allow amendment in Blasphemy laws. He said religious parties in the country were united on one point agenda that they would protect laws concerning to religious identity of the country at all cost, no matter what political differences they have had.

JI Naib Amir Dr Farid Paracha said the reports of the State Bank and the IMF on country’s economy was matter of grave concern for every Pakistani. According to both reports, said Dr Paracha, the devaluation of rupee led to the rise in inflation.

He said the poor and middle class were the victims of bad economy as they could not afford purchasing basic commodities of daily life. He said the government imposed heavy taxes on the working class and small traders while the big fish and corrupt mafia were set free.

JI Naib Amir Rashid Naseem said the curfew entered 49th day in the occupied region and millions of people had no access to food and medicines. The people of IHK, he added, were not allowed to go to masques while school, hospitals and markers were also closed. He said India had turned Kashmir the biggest prison in world.— PRESS RELEASE