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Justice Qazi Faez Isa visits Jaranwala, inspects situation of burnt down churches

Justice Qazi Faez Isa says so-called Muslims violated teachings of Islam


LAHORE MIRROR — Justice Qazi Faez Isa, a senior judge of the Supreme Court, conducted a visit to Jaranwala to assess the aftermath of the incident where houses and churches were burned down by a violent mob on August 16.

Accompanied by his wife, Justice Isa met with the victims in the Christian Colony of Jaranwala, offering his condolences and expressing his commitment to their well-being.

During his interaction with the victims, Justice Isa emphasized his personal interest in their situation, clarifying that his visit was not an official one. He assured them of his intention to expedite the restoration work and provide necessary protection to those affected. He also reminded the victims that they, as citizens, have equal rights and deserve the government’s safeguarding without bias.

Addressing the victims’ concerns, Justice Isa asserted that they should not live in fear, highlighting their right to practice their faith and visit places of worship just like any other citizen. He emphasized that Muslims should take it upon themselves to protect churches, emphasizing the importance of unity and harmony.

Justice Isa’s wife also engaged with female victims, offering relief items and clothes to help ease their hardship.

During the visit, Justice Isa expressed dissatisfaction with the alleged negligence of the police in the incident. He criticized the city police officer for failing to provide timely security measures and questioned their awareness of the situation’s timeline. He highlighted that maintaining peace and order is the primary responsibility of senior police officers.

Justice Isa noted that the incident seemed to involve both spontaneous actions and planned actions, and expressed frustration at the police’s lack of readiness. He directed that the Station House Officer (SHO) and Superintendent of Police (SP) be involved in the investigation to ensure a thorough examination.

In a subsequent statement, Justice Isa condemned the violent act as a severe violation of Islamic principles and the guarantees offered to non-Muslim citizens by Pakistan’s founder. He emphasized the significance of respect and protection for all faiths, as dictated by Islamic teachings and the country’s constitution.

Justice Isa stressed that Muslims should safeguard the rights of non-Muslims and compensate for damages, in line with both religious teachings and the legal framework. He lamented the incident’s departure from the teachings of Islam and the values upheld by Pakistan.