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Instagram Introduces New ‘Order’ Sticker For Its Stories


LAHORE MIRROR (Monitoring Desk)–Instagram has added a new “order” sticker for its stories. A user took to tweeter to share the screenshot of the new sticker alongside stickers like location, music and mention.
The company might be looking to upgrade its shopping feature as a dollar sign is incorporated on the sticker suggesting payment transactions.

However, a spokesperson from Instagram said “order” feature is not to be considered as a method of in-app purchasing. Though, Instagram experiments with new features on a regular basis, not all of them end up launching.

A checkout feature was also added by Instagram that lets users purchase products without leaving the app and allows some influencers to sell products from the posts.

Mark Zuckerberg has previously said, “Advertising is going to be the way that revenue comes in for the foreseeable future”. But, as Instagram has reached the limit of posting ads in its feed, it is looking to maximize its revenue by monetising what it can.
“Commerce and shopping look promising,” added Zuckerberg.With the same user also tweeting about “product” sticker before, it seems clear shopping will be a major part of Instagram in the future but limited to a small number or authorised brands and influencers, but only time will tell whether shopping-oriented features will be available to all common users.