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PESD Provides Emergency Care to 351, 531 People in August


The Punjab Emergency Service Department (PESD) has rescued 351,531 victims while responding to 176,560 emergencies across Punjab during the month of August 2023.

According to the press release issued here on Friday, Out of 351, 531 emergencies, Rescue responded to 36,867 road traffic accidents, 114,325 medical emergencies, 1294 fire incidents, 6,274 delivery cases, 4,404 crime incidents, 4,019 falls/slipping 1,622 Electrocuted, 2,079 occupational injuries, 2,44 burn cases, 2,27 drowning incidents, 59 structural collapses, 1,243 Animal Rescue and 3,903 miscellaneous operations in Punjab.

The emergency data revealed that a total of  296 people died in 36867 RTAs in Punjab during the last month.

Out of these traffic accidents, the majority of traffic accidents 8773 occurred in Lahore in which 35 people died. Similarly, 2588 RTCs in Multan, 2451 RTCs in Faisalabad, 2090 in Gujranwala, 1477 in Rawalpindi, and 1440 in Sheikhupura while the remaining 18048 accidents took place in 30 districts of Punjab.

Similarly, the majority of fire incidents took place in major districts i.e., 434 incidents in Lahore, 103 in Rawalpindi, 88 in Faisalabad, 65 in Multan, 63 in Gujranwala, 48 in Sialkot, 45 in Sargodha, and 44 in Sheikhupura.

In the meeting, he was briefed by the Provincial Monitoring Officer about monthly emergency statistics and the average emergency response time of every District.

All Heads of wings of Rescue Headquarters & Emergency Services Academy were also present.

He reviewed the operational performance of all Districts of Punjab besides reviewing the ongoing flood rescue operations in River Sutlej.

He commended the dedicated efforts of the riverine area rescuers since July 6, 2023, when the first flood hit River Sutlej.

Thanks to their round-the-clock evacuation efforts, both people and animals in flooded areas were spared significant casualties during the second major flood on August 16, 2023.

Dr. Rizwan Naseer, presiding over a monthly operational performance review with Divisional and District Emergency Officers (DEOs), expressed concern about the recent loss of 296 lives and injuries in Punjab due to road traffic accidents.

He appealed to motorbike riders to adhere to traffic laws, stay in the left lane, and maintain speeds below 50km/h to reduce the rising number of accidents.